Online marketplaces to watch for Nerds who want to make money online

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Nerds may lack in social skills but have a lot of power in their grey matter that they actually run the world. Take the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, or Sergey Brin. These billionaires have changed the world because of their nerdiness. There are various online marketplaces for nerds to be able to earn money online.  


Amazon started as an online bookstore and later expanded to include various retail items. With its wide reach – with over 300 million active users in every country on the planet – it is easy to get items out there. Because of nerds’ discriminating taste and knowledge of finer things, they may have the most interesting collection. Most nerds collect vintage comic books, toys, albums, video games, to name a few. Others create their own crafts, like handmade replicas of Lightsabers or Darth Vader masks, Star Trek costumes, etc. Aside from selling them at flea markets, selling them online can get their stuff selling like hotcakes! 



If web design is a nerd’s “weapon of choice,” one of the best places to sell their creations would be Themeforest. This site buys and sells themes for WordPress. If web designers get consistent positive feedback from users and keep their portfolio fresh, Themeforest gives them the additional push by featuring them as the site’s web designer of the week. Theme developers are paid USD 60 per license. Multiply that with the number of copies sold and that would immediately translate to a lot of money. Nerds can earn from zero to USD 30,000 a month just by creating WordPress themes. Consider ThemeREX, which has sold over 156 themes, with over 37,000 copies sold (you do the math).  



Bonanza is an online marketplace that is actually seller friendly. It used to go by the name “Bonanzle” but in September 2010, they changed the name to Bonanza. It was founded in 2007 by Bill Harding. Its primary market was the US but has now expanded to Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Spain, India, and Mexico. Though it is trying to compete with big names like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon, it has made a name for itself among its customers for offering conventional and unique items. Its seller partners commend it for excellent technical support, charging low selling fees (only 3.5%), and no monthly store fees! It already has around 300,000 registered users and over 7 million page views per month.  


Eureka Street 

Eureka Street started as a magazine in paper format in Australia in 1991. It was founded by Michael Kelly SJ, Adrian Lyons SJ, and Morag Fraser. It primarily published articles that are related to religion, public affairs, and the arts, as it is part of Jesuit Communications. It became an online magazine in 2006. It accepts contributions from freelancers. Articles on politics, religion, pop culture, and current events and poetry are solicited. For articles, the minimum word count is 800 words, which are paid USD 141, and poems are paid USD 35 each. 


You also have foreign currency exchanges on which you speculate to make some money. Many have gone before you. Check out these icmarkets reviews to see if it is something for you. 

Nerds do not have anything to worry about when it comes to earning money. As long as they can monetize their words, skills, and collections, they will never run out of dough.