Best Superhero TV Shows You Can Binge Right Now

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Thanks to the growing popularity of two of our favorite things, video games, and comic book arcs, it’s been quite a marvelous decade for nerds everywhere. With some of our favorite hobbies making their way into the mainstream, we’ve been seeing a lot more of our likes grace the TV screens and we can’t seem to get enough of it. Superheroes are in right now, and the world is 100% behind it as superhero-based movies and TV shows are constantly being pushed into the spotlight. That being said, here are some of the best superhero TV series you can binge right now!


Hell Kitchen’s masked protector has been a shining beacon of hope in pop culture long before the current superhero craze. We’ve seen the blind hero featured on the big screen in the early 2000s, and even in the halls that are the pinnacle of entertainment, casinos. Along with other exciting superhero-themed slots, today we can find him in online casinos such as Casimba Casino, aiding us in our quest to hit the jackpot.

Unlike its movie predecessor, Netflix’s show did the hero justice and brought us a version of the story we can all appreciate. Filled with some of the best action scenes in TV history, notorious villains, and loveable cast, Daredevil is a must-see for any comic book fan that could use a distraction from the mundane responsibilities of everyday life.


Before it was released, Titans was met with loads of mixed reactions to the promos and sneak peeks of the show. Fans weren’t very happy with the direction the show seemed to be going in, and the characters which seemed to stray from the source material. The Teen Titans team is universally beloved, so these changes weren’t taken lightly by fans who grew up with the characters.

Surprisingly enough, these changes were exactly the breath of fresh air the characters needed and the series did a great job of portraying them in this new light. Despite their initial concerns, the fans are loving the show. So if you might have had some reservations about it, try to look past them and give our ragtag group of misfits a chance to prove you wrong.

Jessica Jones

Many were completely unfamiliar with the character of Jessica Jones before the TV series came along, but after the massive success of the first season, it’s safe to say that they’ve now certainly taken an interest. When compared to most of the other superhero shows out there right now, Jessica Jones gives us a different glance into the life of people with powers.

The show follows Jessica Jones, a private eye trying to cope with the consequences of her failed superhero career. The dark and gritty atmosphere coupled with the deep dive into the worst of the human psyche is what sets the show apart from everything else already out there. Of course, having one of the best supervillains to ever appear on TV also helps move things along.